Wednesday, March 28, 2007


[Stage Notes:: Can't seem to keep thoughts in my head, they just run away]
[iPod:: All I Can Say | David Crowder Band]

Despite my current state of confusion about life in general, there are some things that are still exciting. Travel is always exciting and now I am only about a week away. It also means an opportunity to take the camera out and go to town. Ever since I got my new camera and a few lenses, I have been trying to soak up every piece of information I can get surrounding the subject. Lately I have even started going through old National Geographic magazines to get ideas on how to do photojournalism. I mean this trip is really an opportunity to do exactly that for myself. My goal is to capture the trip as more than just a series of events (that is what I see in many people's travel photo albums).

Don't get me wrong, I do not think there is anything wrong with that, in fact that is what my camp pictures generally look like, and each story tends to have its own story to go along with it. That always makes going through the pictures fun. However, on this trip I want to challenge myself to move outside of my comfort zone and capture the emotion of the people I am going to help instead of the emotion of the people doing the helping.

On a related note, I have been doing a tremendous amount of photography for Epic both for the new website that I hear is launching around Easter and for banners that will be around the church and other events. I am really excited and a tad nervous. This is the first time any of my photography will get any publicity. I will let you know when the new site is launched and let you see my handiwork [beaming smile goes here]

All of that said, I thought I should start sharing a few pictures. The one above was taken on a trip to Tennessee last April.

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

And I shall call him Squishy and he shall be my Squishy...Oww! Bad Squishy...
Sorry...just had to type know you wanted too!! :)