Thursday, March 29, 2007

Discovery Zone

[Stage Notes:: Getting hungry, probably time to figure out lunch]
[Music:: Red Sam | Flyleaf]

Inspired by Ms Maggie Moo's Toosdae's, and sheer curiosity, I thought I would pose a question for you to answer in the comments section. This involves you--yes you--well there is no one else reading this at the moment--knock it off, we are getting off topic :P. As I was saying, this involves you going into the comments section and writing something related to the question.

One thing about commenting really quick for those of you who are new to commenting on blogger, at the moment there are three 'Identities' you can use for a comment.

  1. Blogger ID - If you have a blog on blogger, you should already know about this, but if not, you can sign in it will automatically use your blogger name and leave me a link to your blog so I can check it out :)
  2. Other - This has two fields, one for your name or some random name that you make up to be silly or create some semblance of anonymity. The second field is for your web page. This is an optional field so if you don't have one or really don't want me to see it, leave it blank. But I like looking at other sites/blogs/xangas/myspaces etc. If you have some web presence somewhere I would love to know. For example, on some blogs I could enter in Hepcat and my old Blog address.
  3. Anonymous - Honestly, I don't like this field, but if you really want to use it you can. I would prefer that if you use it, you give me some clues as to who you are, but at that point you might as well just use other, and at your request if you are ever talked about in the blog, I will use the silly name you have created for yourself.

Now the question:

What is your favorite pre-travel ritual?

~I have so many rituals before taking a big trip, but since it is my rules, I should probably stick to them. For the moment I am going to have to say stacking my luggage at the foot of the stairs. I really love seeing my pile of luggage neatly sitting at the base of the stairs waiting to be put into a car. It always makes me feel anxious, excited, and relaxed all at the same time.

Now it's your turn!!!


Mags said...

Oooo!! Questions! Yay!!

Pre-travel ritual...I'd say going to the bookstore to pick out books for the plane trip and pool. Yeah. That's my most favorite, but I LOVE planning for vacation!!!

Yi said...

I really don't have any pre-trip rituals... I usually pray a lot especially if I am travelling by plane... I have to agree with going to the bookstore (usually Barns and Noble) to pick up books :)

Spartan Sojourner said...

Yi: Welcome to my humble web presence :)

I have to agree with both of you, finding books before a trip is a lot of fun!!

Unknown said...

My favorite pre-travel ritual (although I've only done it once) is to find a fiction book that is set wherever I'm going. I did this on my trip to Japan and it really made all the difference in the world.