Monday, March 12, 2007

It's Alive....again....

[Stage Notes:: Sitting at work, Pepsi on the desk, major tension headache]
[ipod:: Kei's Song | David Benoit]

First things first, the Camp Photoblog is alive yet again, though sadly I do not know how long it will last. I am searching for a new free webhost for it, but in the meantime enjoy it while it lasts. I am requesting that anyone who wants to be notified of its status send an e-mail to dailycamppics AT gmail DOT com. I will add you to a list that I can send updates too :).

I do not have much to say today because the truth is I am not feeling that great and that is skewing my perspective on pretty much everything. That's life though, so I guess I just have to deal with and move on. The highlights included:

  • Thrift store shopping for Mexico
  • Bocce Ball and Irish Pubs do go together
  • Spending the day with a friend and her one year old daughter(who ironically does not like me, but loves the stuffed dog I gave her for her birthday)
  • Wandering around Great Lakes crossing realizing that Thrift stores really do have good deals
  • Reading a few chapters of a new book [title withheld until conclusion of reading said book]
  • Looking through a bin of old McDonald's toys and deciding that Hula girl Lila just might be the van's mascot in Mexico
  • A candy dispensing Mr. Potato head that is also a wind up toy is very versatile
  • Jesus' miracles can all be done using only 5 actors, some bed sheets, a robe, Swedish Fish, some sort of to be determined cereal, water, a few cups, some food coloring, and streamers!
  • Stores you really, really want to go to close two minutes before you get there...Always!
  • Speaking with a French accent to 1st-5th graders is always fun
There you have it, my whole weekend in 10 bullet pointed items. Three cheers for Monday being almost over!