Tuesday, March 13, 2007


[Stage Notes:: At Work, Entering time into the time tracking system, kinda thirsty]
[iPod:: The Sweater Song | Weezer]

I am feeling a little paranoid. Why? Up to this point, today has been a pretty good day. Much better than yesterday, that is for certain. Yes, that is the reason I am paranoid. I know, it does not make much sense, but to me it does.

Here's the problem. I am not one of those people that believes that if things are going great on a particular day, that something catastrophic is going to happen to crush my day. That would just be silly. I mean, a good day is a good day and you cannot ruin a truly good day. That would make it a bad day.

No, my paranoia is about tomorrow. It seems that very often in life, a good day is immediately followed by a not so good day which is then of course followed by a good day...etc. You get the point. So, there you have it, I am worried that tomorrow is going to be a bad day and it is still seven and a half hours away.

Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, but tomorrow I get news. The irony is that I am not entirely sure what I want the news to be. Confused? Well it is news that basically means I stay put or I head elsewhere to do a very different job. Those are the only two possibilities for the news that is supposed to come tomorrow. Logically since I am a traveler by nature and I very much dislike my job, it would make sense for me to move and do the new job. I just do not know if it is what I am supposed to do.

Still with me? If not, here's the recap. I want good news tomorrow which will make tomorrow a good day, I just don't have a clue which one of the two options the news can take will be the good news.

Welcome to the inner-workings of my brain. It's a lot like spinning in circles with your arms out while staring up at the sky, and then very abruptly stopping, while closing your eyes, and putting your arms at your sides...or something like that.


Mags said...

I'm so sleepy from school tonight that this actually made sense.

I hope you get good news.