Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday Tidbits

[Stage Notes:: Slight Chill in the House, Starting a Movie]
[TV:: Rent | Rent]

A few random stories about today. Oh hush up, yes this is another blog already. Deal with it :oP

[1] The backstory:: On my way to lunch I came across a collection of first graders in the hallway waiting on classmates to finish their bathroom breaks. I very politely asked Ms. G if that was her kids making all of the noise because they all know that they should be quiet. After a brief conversation with the kids I continued on my way.

Fast Forward:: An hour before the end of the school day. I am again walking down the hallway to see a crew of first graders in the hallway once again being a little noisier than they should be so I decided to have a little fun. I walked closer with my my hand to my ear making it very apparent that I was listening to all of the noise they were making. Ms. G. then asked my to go into the room to see the 'stoplight'. For those that are not familiar with primary education, the 'stoplight' is a chart for behavior where students start on green and each time they get in trouble the move from green to yellow and then on to red and blue if necessary. If you get to blue, it was a very bad day...

Anywho, Ms. G. tells me to go in and see how many reds and blues there were so I did. As I walked out of the classroom, I put on my best 'I am very sad and disappointed face' and told the entire first grade that I was very unhappy. Then I proceeded to ask the students why they were having so much trouble today...Silence...the kind of silence that Teachers dream of having in a classroom. After some prodding from Ms. G. I finally got a response to my question, and was rather taken aback at the honesty of the response. One first grader informed me that they were excited and had a lot of energy today and that they were not listening. After a very short discussion about when excitement is good and when it needs to be stifled, I turned and walked away.

It is fun dealing with other teachers students :D Your own students...well not so much.

[2] School is over and the kindergarten and first graders are taking a bathroom break before the start of after care:: There are a few kindergarten boys that are absolutely fascinated by me. They are a lot of fun to get a little riled up and leave (no one ever said that teachers are always nice to each other ;) ) In fact one of these same boys was laying on the floor and tried to use my leg as a pillow...getting back on track...so I am giving the kids high fives and listening to them when suddenly my arms were latched onto by two boys and they began very thorough examinations of my arms. The first boy asked, "What are the brown spots on your arms?" After a moment of mild shock, I announced to the curious boys that they were in fact freckles. It never occurred to me that they would not know what they are. My new internal debate is if this is a result of them being all of maybe five years old or if it is because they are African American. They're second question was similar but not quite as thought provoking, "Why are some the hairs on your arms blond and some black?"

That's all for now


Sally said...

Yeah, disciplining other teachers' students is always fun. :)

And the whole curiosity with body markings has much more to do with age than racial background. Hudson Brett from Riverview was always fascinated by the mole on my forehead. "What is it? Are you always going to have it, even after you're married?" Since there's such a connection between moles and marriage...

Glad to hear that teaching's going well!

Anonymous said...

Hey John! Miss you man!

Observations of kids are so honest. They notice things we often miss.

When my wife and I were living in inner city Baltimore...most kids had never seen a married couple (there were single moms and boyfriends). We were living with a single student in the house. One day all the kids had a meeting to discuss our situation. They approached Kathy and said we've finally figured it out, "The one man is your husband and the other is your boyfriend."

May we live a life of childlike curiousity!

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Maggie Moo said...

Happy New Year Hepcat! :)