Monday, April 30, 2007

ello, ello, ello

[Stage Notes:: Chillin on the couch]
[TV:: Ottawa vs. New Jersey | Round 2 Playoff Hockey]

........*slowly tiptoes into the room*.......*crrrRREEAAAAK!*

...[Gives Dear in Headlights look]....[Blinks]....[Blinks again].....

Um...Hi--No, I didn't forget about you--Look, I'll tell you, but you must put down those tomatoes--Whatta you mean, WHY?--Because they will ruin your computer--I most certainly will not pay to clean it--Ok, now you are just wasting time so shush--:oP [pbthbbbbbbb]

For all of you who are a little more mature that all that, stop kidding yourself because if you were that mature you wouldn't be here in the first place!

This weekend was, in a word, odd. I felt a tad like a duck out of water at the ACE retreat, though I am not sure if that is a result of not being a ND student, having different beliefs that pretty much everyone, being bombarded by massive amounts of information, or because it takes me a while to warm up to people.

I met Bill and Elizabeth who will be two of my house mates in Atlanta, and also met several people from the schools including the principle. As things stand right now, I will be the middle school math department. Yup, you read that right. I will have a sixth grade, a seventh grade, a seventh and eighth grade pre-algebra, and an algebra class. That however only makes up 4 classes which means I will probably have to teach two or three others that have not yet been determined.

The weekend was pretty much what you would expect for an orientation, just with more catered food and slightly fewer ice breakers. Spent a lot of time talking with the Atlantians about why we were there and where we are from.

It was nice to be back in the college environment though. Friday night a few of us went to a bar to have a drink and talk. Saturday we hung out at someones apartment, and though we were supposed to head to a house party, we ended up having an impromptu party ourselves and just never left. All in all it was a pretty good weekend. Though for some reason, Sunday seemed very anti-climactic. After breakfast people just started to leave for the airport or for the homework waiting in the dorms. Oh well. Now it begins...


Mags said...

Oh...I'm picking those tomatoes back up!!!!!