Thursday, March 8, 2007

Now Boarding at Gate T1...

[Stage Notes:: Excited that the design of the blog is finished and I can get blogging]
[iPod:: For Those About to Rock | AC/DC]

Since this is the first post, it would seem like I ought to say welcome to all of my new readers. I am not going to say that, because this is not actually the first post. True, this may be the first post you are seeing in the blog, and according to the archive that blogger is keeping for me this is the first post. Still, I am telling you this is not the first blog post. Why am I telling you this? Well, I am glad you asked...yes that weird smirk you are giving the computer counts as asking :-P

Reason 1: If you are reading this and can only see one post it is because I told you about the new blog personally and you have probably read my other bloggings elsewhere (if you are really nice, I might just give you the link to those old ones). If I did not tell you about it, then the odds are you stumbled across this by complete accident...or I suppose it could be because I neglected to ever post any thoughts after this, in which case, I would probably at least say don't bother coming back. Alright, I have a solution to those of you that fall into these last two categories: Aloha. There you go.

Reason 2: If you are not an individual that falls into the above description, then odds are that you have already read a few posts and are backtracking to see the start of it all (I do it too if I really like your blog). Assuming that is the case, then me welcoming you is kind of a moot point because you already have made yourself comfortable. It would be like going to someone's house for a party and after they serve you dinner, the say 'Welcome to my house, would you care for anything?'

There you have it. Now like any good story, the reader meets the character at the start of an adventure. The truth is that this adventure is just part of a larger story that is the character's life. My Story has been going on for many years before you arrived, but I am glad you are here. Likewise, my story will continue until after you stop reading, and this blog exists no more in its current form. Regardless of where I am in my sojournings, it is time for you to punch your ticket, leave the terminal, and join me for a while!


Mags said...



Welcome to Blogger Hepcat! (Can I still call you that? 'Cause that's how I 'know' you.)

I love your template and even more, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that I can leave comments!

Fantastic. I can't wait to see what you do on here.

