Thursday, March 13, 2008

Conflicted Conviction

Why is it that conviction always seems to make life more difficult for those with conviction and have no affect on anyone else? I am starting to get sick and tired of my convictions. It seems more and more like they are foolish and that I am the only one that still believes in some of the most old fashioned things. Not only that, but it is beginning to seem like having said convictions is a lot like trying to board a train from the front while it is traveling at you at nearly 100mph. Don't believe me? Try it sometime. But be careful. Convictions are nearly impossible to change and usually have a heavy psychological weight to them.

Of course the irony of all this is that so many people seem to be able to just drop them whenever it makes life easier...or more 'fun'



Anonymous said...

It's the world that is in a mess without convictions. Don't give up on them John. They're worth it. Human beings have to believe in something. If you abandoned them, you might be happy for a while, but it would not be true happiness.

Spartan Sojourner said...

I do not disagree. It is just so hard watching other people give up their convictions. It literally tears me apart when I see it happen, yet they seem to do it so easily...

coasterdude2002 said...

While I will not give up on my convictions, I am definitely becoming disgruntled due to them. The old adage says "Good things come to those who wait." Frankly, I'm getting tired of waiting. I hope the payoff is worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

It is.