Sunday, July 29, 2007

Screaching Halt

[Stage Notes:: Sitting on the couch at home; drained]
[TV:: 10 Deadliest Sharks]

Well, it looks like I have once again fallen into the habit of not blogging when things get busy. For the record, when I say busy, I mean teacing in the morning, classes in the afternoon, and homework until the single digit numbers make their return to the digital clocks. Fortunately, the first semester has come to an end and I am very much still alive. For the moment, I find myself at home trying to get everything in order for the start of the next adventure which starts Tuesday.

Yes, that is right, Tuesday. That is when I start the long drive down 75 to ATL. Wednesday I meet with the principal of the school and find out everyting else about the school and my responsibilites there. For the moment, I am both nervous and excited, but I have so much to do that I do not have a great deal of time to dwell on what is coming ahead. Well, that is about all for now. I will try to write more frequently because I am sure as classes start I will have a ton of stories. However, I am not going to promise to write more because I don't want to disappoint you :)


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! You'll be fine! It's a new adventure! Yay! :)

learner said...

Wow I can't believe its time for you to go to ATL already. My cell phone is down until friday when i get paid I spilled my coffee on it on the way to work the other day and it now doesnt work. I will try to give you a call and see how you are as soon as I get it up and running . Safe travel my friend.